A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Form Fields

Form Fields

Managing Form Fields

Profile Builder makes it really easy to manage default and extra user fields.

Under the Form Fields tab, you’ll find an intuitive interface for adding, editing, deleting, or reordering user fields.

This gives you full control over the fields that appear on the front-end register and edit profile forms.

Adding Extra User Fields

You can add a field to the front-end forms by simply choosing one of the supported fields from the Field type drop-down.

Once you select a field type you’ll need to fill in the Field properties:

After modifying it make sure to click the Add Field button and your new field will be added to the table containing the defined form fields.

Manage existing custom fields with Profile Builder

If, before using Profile Builder, you already have a couple of user fields saved in the database and want to display and manage them using Profile Builder, all you need to do is create each one of them from the Manage Fields -> Add New field interface, give them the same meta-name and set “Overwrite existing” option to “Yes”.


This way you’ll be able to display and update existing fields with Profile Builder.

Any fields that are created in the *_usermeta table can be managed using this option

Default Fields Types

These fields are added by default in the Manage Fields window. When adding a new field, you can adjust the editable options of any Default Field. You can also edit the options of the already added fields, by clicking the corresponding Edit button.

All free and Premium versions of Profile Builder support the following default fields:

  1. Default – Name (Heading) – Used by the Admin for breaking the front-end form into sections
  2. Default – Contact Info (Heading) – Used by the Admin for breaking the front-end form into sections
  3. Default – About Yourself (Heading) – Used by the Admin for breaking the front-end form into sections
  4. Default – Username – Used by the User to set up the username
  5. Default – First Name – Used by the User to set up the first name
  6. Default – Last Name – Used by the User to set up the last name
  7. Default – Nickname – Used by the User to set up the nickname
  8. Default – E-mail – Used by the User to set up the e-mail address
  9. Default – Website – Used by the User to add their website
  10. Default – Password – Used by the User to set up the password
  11. Default – Repeat Password – Used by the User to check if the password was typed correctly
  12. Default – Biographical Info – Used by the User to add their biographical info
  13. Default – Display name publicly as  – Used by the User in the Edit Profile page to set up their display name
  14. Default – Blog Details – Used by the User on the Registration page to create a new site
  15. Heading – Used by the Admin for breaking the front-end forms into sections
  16. Input – Used by the User for custom information inputs
  17. Textarea – Used by the User for consistent information
  18. Select – Used by the User to choose data from a predefined list
  19. Select2 – A Select field that has an improved select box, with search and filter capabilities
  20. Select (User Role) – Used by the User to choose his/hers User Role
  21. Checkbox – Used by the User to check an option from a list
  22. Radio – Used by the User to select an option from a radio button group
  23. Avatar Upload – Used by the User to upload an Avatar
  24. reCAPTCHA – Used by the Admin to protect against spam user registrations
  25. GDPR Checkbox – Used to collect the user’s consent for his data under the new GDPR law
  26. Email Confirmation – Used to check if the email entered matches the first email address
  27. Subscription Plans – Used by the User to purchase a subscription plan from a list

Extra Fields Types

Profile Builder: Basic, Pro, or Agency versions, support a wide range of extra field types:

  1. Number – Used by the User to add numbers
  2. Input (Hidden) – Used by the Admin for saving information that’s not visible to the logged in user
  3. WYSIWYG – Used by the User for adding and editing information with HTML
  4. Phone – Used by the User for adding a phone number
  5. Select (Multiple) – Used by the User to choose multiple selections from a predefined list
  6. Select2 (Multiple) – A Select field that has an improved select box, with search and filter capabilities
  7. Select (Country) – Used by the User to choose a Country
  8. Select (Timezone) – Used by the User to choose a Timezone
  9. Select (User Role) – Used by the User to choose a User Role
  10. Select (Currency) – Used by the User to choose a Currency
  11. Select (CPT) – Used by the User to select a Custom Post Type (Page, Post, or Custom Post Type)
  12. Select (Taxonomy) – Used by the User to select a Taxonomy (Categories, Tags, Formats, or Custom Taxonomies
  13. Checkbox (Terms and Conditions) – Used by the User to accept the Terms and Conditions
  14. Upload – Used by the User to upload files
  15. Datepicker – Used by the User to choose a Date
  16. Timepicker – Used by the User to choose the Time
  17. Colorpicker – Used by the User to choose a Color
  18. Validation – Used by the Admin to implement Custom Validation Inputs
  19. Map – Used by the User to pin his location
  20. HTML – Used by the Admin to add HTML content
  21. Email – Used by the User to add an Email address
  22. URL – Used by the User to add a website URL
  23. Honeypot – Used by the Admin to protect the registration form against spam

Reordering Fields

Manage Fields provides a Drag & Drop interface for sorting and reordering both default and extra user fields.

You’ll be able to easily mix default and extra user fields to fit your needs.

This way you don’t need to worry about the order in which you create your custom fields. You can always rearrange them to your liking.

Edit or Delete a Field

Editing or deleting a field is done by clicking the Edit or Delete buttons from the fields table.

Conditional Logic

This feature is available in Profile Builder, Basic, Pro, or Agency.

It allows you to show or hide fields based on user input.

Read more: Conditional Logic Documentation

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

Get 25% off with the bundle

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