
WordPress Admin Approval based on User Role with Profile Builder

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: September 23rd, 2019

Admin Approval for new users is one of those must have features for every website that allows user registration. Sometimes, deciding who gets to be a user on your website is a good way to keep your user base clean and fight user registration spam. Taking it further, there are times when you need to […]

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No CAPTCHA ReCAPTCHA Field for Profile Builder

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: February 9th, 2015

Profile Builder's reCAPTCHA field has been updated to the new and improved Google's No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA. To simplify the reCAPTCHA experience the new field will simply ask users who want to register for your website whether or not they are robots. Using the new reCAPTCHA API, a significant number of users will be able to […]

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How to Edit WooCommerce My Account Page (Add Fields + More)

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: March 4th, 2024

Looking for a simple way to customize the WooCommerce account page to add extra user fields and let customers manage their data from the front-end? How about adding custom user fields to the WooCommerce checkout page? In this post, you'll learn how to easily customize the WooCommerce account page using the Profile Builder plugin and its WooCommerce Sync add-on.

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How to Enforce WordPress Password Requirements for User Accounts

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: July 9th, 2024

Chances are, if you run a WordPress membership site that allows user registration, one of your primary security concerns is to enforce WordPress password requirements. This way, users don't sign up with weak passwords and put your website at risk. However, the content management system (CMS) doesn't come with this functionality by default. The good […]

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Profile Builder 2.0 is Coming! Sneak peak at New Features & Enhancements

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: April 13th, 2023

Profile Builder is about to get even better. The past couple of months we've been working hard to improve and extend its functionality. Most of the architecture and UI of the plugin has been rebuilt from scratch for increased usability, focusing on the most essential tasks you would need from an all in one user […]

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Best User Registration Plugins for WordPress

8 Best WordPress User Registration Plugins

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: July 9th, 2024

Not sure what WordPress user registration plugin to use for your project? Going through all the WordPress user registration plugins can be disorienting. You may have spent hours and hours searching for plugins and tutorials to help you with your project, and you’re still as confused as you were when you started. Imagine finding the […]

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How to Eliminate WordPress Spam Registrations (Step-by-Step Guide)

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: December 11th, 2019

Looking for a way to cut down on WordPress spam registrations? If your WordPress site is set to allow user registration (like a membership site or WooCommerce store), then it's probably vulnerable to user registration spam from spam-bots. Finding a way to eliminate, or at least reduce, WordPress spam registrations is important so that you can focus your efforts and resources on your real users. No matter what type of site you're running, there are some tried-and-true tactics that you can apply to stop spam registrations in their tracks, and they're all available in one single plugin.

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WordPress User Registration

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: February 24th, 2020

Have you hit a road block when it comes to WordPress user registration? You probably would like to have new users register before being able to take certain actions (for example, posting reviews or commenting) but do not want them to have access to the WordPress Dashboard? Truth is, WordPress User Registration doesn't have to […]

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WordPress Plugin for Dynamic Menus Based On Logged In Status

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: May 13th, 2014

Displaying dynamic menus based on logged in status is quite straight forward and any developer you're gona ask will tell you the same thing. Regardless of that, up to this point, the only way show a different menu to your logged in users was to add a bit of code to your theme header, some […]

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Beginner’s Guide to: What Is WordPress?

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: February 15th, 2017

Ever now and again the question arises with new clients that aren't really tech savvy: "What Is WordPress?" What I'm hoping to achieve with this post is to drop the technical jargon for a minute and explain in down to earth words what is WordPress, how can it help you, what is, what's a […]

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