A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Agency, Pro, Unlimited Changelog

Agency, Pro, Unlimited Changelog


  • Fix: Fixed issues between Form Designs and certain special characters where they couldn't be displayed correctly
  • Fix: Updated Finland VAT rate to 25.5%


  • Fix: A notice coming from the Files Restriction add-on settings
  • Fix: Add compatibility with TranslatePress to allow Invoice generation in secondary languages


  • Fix: Form designs to behave correctly when window is resized manually
  • Fix: A notice that could trigger from the Instant Email Reminders functionality
  • Misc: Fix some back-end messages displaying HTML


  • Misc: Random changes to the Files Restriction add-on


  • Feature: Files Restriction add-on which allows you to restrict direct access to files so that only paying members can access them
  • Fix: Issue between Form Designs and the plans_position="top" register shortcode option
  • Fix: Readjust Form Designs sidebar when a credit card number validation error triggers


  • Misc: Fix an issue with the name of the recommended Profile Builder form style
  • Misc: Filter API credentials when canceling a PayPal Express Subscription


  • Fix: Some issues with the form designs
  • Fix: A notice that could appear from Group Membership functionality in some cases
  • Fix: Notices coming from the newer Instant Email Reminders functionality
  • Misc: Added more filters over various areas of Group Memberships
  • Misc: Updated the library for Invoice generation


  • Fix: Form styles compatibility fixes with different scenarios
  • Misc: Automatically create a buy now button for LearnDash courses which can be accessed after buying a Subscription Plan


  • Feature: Added the ability to send Email Reminders instantly on different subscription or payment actions
  • Fix: Disable usage of 'the_content' hook for the PayPal Express payment confirmation form. Old functionality can be restored by returning true on this filter: pms_paypal_express_enable_the_content_hook_for_confirmation_form
  • Fix: Styling fixes for the form styles
  • Misc: Replace the LearnDash login form link with the PMS Login form location


  • Feature: LearnDash integration add-on. Activate from the add-ons page and you can:
    • restrict access to Courses, Lessons and Quizzes
    • sell access to courses using a subscription plan (one time payment or recurring)
  • Misc: Added extra filters over the PayPal Express Checkout process


  • Fix: Updated Tax Rates for Estonia and Switzerland
  • Fix: An issue with the Add New Subscription button from MSPU not appearing in some cases on member subscriptions


  • Fix: Javascript error coming from the form designs functionality
  • Fix: Make sure Tax add-on doesn't process payments for which it already added a tax rate
  • Misc: Added an Invoice Download button on the Edit Payment page


  • Fix: Issue with Global Content Restriction rules not working when a post contained an image
  • Fix: Some styling issues with the form designs


  • Fix: Payment sidebar issue with short forms
  • Fix: Register form width issue when placed through an Elementor widget and form styles are used
  • Misc: Various fixes for form styles


  • Fix: An issue between 100% Discount Codes and Tax rates


  • Fix: A notice coming from the Group Memberships add-on
  • Fix: An issue with the Since Last Login trigger from Email Reminders where it wasn't working properly
  • Misc: Added some filters for the back-end Email Reminders interface


  • Fix: Adding Group Subscription Plans as upgrade to another group plan


  • Fix: Random issues with the form styles
  • Fix: A notice appearing in some cases coming from the Email Reminders functionality
  • Misc: Added a filter over the trial checkout variable for PayPal Express: pms_checkout_paypal_express_has_trial


  • Fix: allow admins to remove invited group subscription members from the back-end
  • Fix: some errors regarding adding regular plan as downgrades for group plans


  • Misc: Owners of Group Subscriptions will not have a key in usermeta so they can be identified as group owners: pms_group_subscription_owner


  • Fix: Small issue with new form styles and some error messages
  • Fix: Added a filter to disable the free trial duplicate card functionality: pms_disable_trial_if_duplicate_card
  • Fix: Do not show the PayPal Pro gateway for new users as it's not available anymore
  • Misc: bbPress plugin missing notification is now using the correct styling


  • Feature: Added the ability to add a Day tag to the title of an Invoice
  • Fix: Small styling changes for new form designs
  • Fix: Javascript error coming from the new form styles in some cases
  • Fix: Issue with the MSPU add-on showing the change subscription button when the user couldn't actually purchase anymore plans
  • Fix: An issue with admins not being able to change a regular plan to a group plan in an existing tier without other group plans


  • Feature: You can now enable different Form Designs for all of your front-end forms. Go to Paid Member Subscriptions -> Settings -> General in order to select your style
  • Fix: Remove extra Group fields validation from Profile Builder edit profile forms


  • Fix: Small issue with Stripe add-on
  • Misc: Added a filter to allow first name and last name to be displayed on the Invoices alongside the Company name: pms_inv_always_show_first_last_name


  • Fix: issue with new Stripe payments being duplicated
  • Fix: issue with child subscriptions not being updated when admin changed the subscription plan of the owner
  • Misc: added some hooks around removing and inviting members for a group subscription: pms_gm_invited_member_activated, pms_gm_member_removed


  • Feature: new payment gateway Stripe Connect. We're bringing more Stripe features to Paid Member Subscriptions. Choose this gateway to give your users the ability to pay using various payment methods like iDEAL, Bancontact, Giropay and many more. Existing users can migrate directly to this gateway from the current Stripe implementation.
  • Fix: issue with the user being able to submit the PayPal Express confirmation form multiple times if he previously loaded the page
  • Fix: issue with PayPal Express free trial adding an extra period to subscriptions


  • Fix: Allow use of higher versions of Stripe library automatically
  • Fix: Display correct next renewal date on Payment Method update
  • Fix: Issue with trial already used message appearing in unwanted cases
  • Misc: Added classes to each row of the Group Memberships front-end Members List table


  • Fix: PayPal Express issue with subscription expiration dates in some cases


  • Fix: Case where Invoice Logo was not being displayed correctly
  • Fix: Inconsistency between Tax add-on Invoice template and the regular one when displaying logos
  • Misc: Correctly display changelog


  • Fix: For Pay What You Want subscription plans, when the default selected plan has a minimum amount of 0
  • Fix: PayPal Express Checkout with a 100% discount code was not working correctly
  • Misc: Update Stripe PHP bindings
  • Misc: Added a hook over the Tax add-on breakdown array: pms_tax_determine_tax_breakdown


  • Fix: issue with child subscriptions of a group not updating when the group owner changed his plan through the manual payment gateway
  • Fix: issue with PYWYW scenario where the form couldn't be submitted correctly


  • Fix: Allow group owners to use the same group name when upgrading or changing their current subscription
  • Misc: When a new payment is inserted through PayPal Express make sure it uses the default flow of Pending Payment inserted and then completed
  • Misc: Remove legacy Stripe gateway for new users


  • Fix: pro-rate issue not determining the last payment correctly in some cases
  • Fix: notice coming from the pro-rate add-on when a recurring payment was happening
  • Fix: correctly show price tax breakdown on invoices after a Free Trial payment
  • Fix: issue with the first payment after a free trial adding an extra month for PayPal Express subscribers


  • Fix: A notice coming from the Tax add-on
  • Fix: Issue with VAT Number showing invalid even if empty when editing a payment in the back-end
  • Fix: Validate and process existing EU VAT Number when the Renew Subscription page is loaded
  • Fix: Correctly save subscription ID for new payments registered through PayPal Standard
  • Fix: Issue with Pro-rate message showing up in the front-end even when no pro-rating was applied


  • Feature: added option to control the Payment Retry option interval and retry amount on the Settings -> Misc -> Payments page
  • Fix: issue with group memberships not syncing expiration date with child subscriptions
  • Fix: process group subscription actions when a member changes or downgrades his subscription plan
  • Misc: save gateway for PayPal Express recurring payments


  • Fix: show group subscription fields when adding extra subscription through MSPU as admin
  • Fix: filter ineligible users from the back-end Add user to group functionality
  • Misc: filter currency on the PayPal Express confirmation form


  • Fix: issue with Group Name error appearing when editing a user with a group subscription plan
  • Misc: update Stripe PHP library


  • Fix: The Manage Group link from the account dashboard was not working in case the user was subscribed to two subscription plans
  • Fix: Add Email Confirmation compatibility to the Group Name validation messages
  • Misc: Improvements to back-end UI for group subscriptions members


  • Feature: Added option for admins to change the group owner of a subscription
  • Fix: Issue with adding back-end users as group owners


  • Fix: don't let users or admins register the same Group Name multiple times
  • Fix: some issues regarding removal of members from a group that got in certain unexpected states


  • Fix: error coming from Pro-rate when downgrading/upgrading free plans
  • Misc: update Stripe PHP bindings to the latest version


  • Fix: show group fields when the payment happens on the Profile Builder form and Email Confirmation is enabled
  • Fix: validate group fields when they are present on the Profile Builder form
  • Feature: added the ability for clients to update their credit card details from the account page when they are members of a recurring subscription through Stripe
  • Feature: added the possibility for admins to add users to a Group Subscription from the back-end Group Management page


  • Misc: Execute shortcodes in the content of Email Reminders


  • Fix: An issue with Stripe and reCaptcha
  • Misc: Remove UK from EU VAT countries
  • Misc: Updated Stripe bindings to the latest version
  • Misc: Better compatibility with the new PB update


  • Fix: Issue with PayPal Express confirmation form not appearing in some cases
  • Fix: Update Group Membership name and description when subscription is upgraded or downgraded
  • Fix: Issue with MSPU subscriptions form showing the payment gateways when the user couldn't subscribe to any other plans


  • Fix: loading issue for pro-rate add-on


  • Feature: Pro-rate functionality. Which allows users to access a discount for an Upgrade or Downgrade, based on their current subscription time
  • Fix: don't show future payment amount on the PayPal checkout when a free trial is purchased
  • Fix: issue with Navigation Menu Filtering add-on not allowing plan selections until the display to option was saved


  • Fix: don't save empty expiration date for fixed expiration date plans
  • Fix: issue with plan fixed expiration date not saving when site language was switched from english
  • Misc: allow admins to specify Group Name and Description when adding a user to a Group subscription plan
  • Misc: added hooks before and after the PayPal Express confirmation form: pms_ppe_content_before_confirmation_table and pms_ppe_content_after_confirmation_table


  • Fix: issue with Stripe not working for pms-account actions when they were displayed from a Profile Builder edit profile form
  • Fix: an issue with free trials and Paypal Standard recurring
  • Misc: added translation support for the Stripe empty credit card number error message
  • Misc: added translation support for the front-end payment gateway label of the PayPal Express gateway


  • Fix: compatibility with Profile Builder form for Stripe Intents


  • Fix: an issue with the MSPU front-end subscriptions form HTML output


  • Fix: issue with Stripe Intents price calculation


  • Feature: When Tax is used with Invoices, the Invoice will now display a 0% tax breakdown if tax is not applied. The old functionality ca be restored using a filter: pms_tax_show_zero_tax_rate_on_invoice
  • Fix: correct call to function that interprets Stripe error codes
  • Fix: an issue with the Stripe compatibility for Multiple Subscriptions Per User
  • Fix: for Stripe payments, correctly verify if sign-up fee should be applied to the checkout
  • Misc: add class to MSPU heading that shows before plans
  • Misc: added compatibility for button instead of input for the Stripe Intents gateway


  • Feature: Added option to create a discount code that is available only for new users
  • Feature: Added option to display a menu item only for Group Owners
  • Fix: Reload Group Dashboard interface when removing a member from a full group so the UI gets updated
  • Fix: Use https URL for VIES VAT number validation
  • Fix: Display Tax breakdown when a form contains a single plan
  • Fix: Fix a potential notice
  • Fix: Stripe Intents validation issue when user was logged in
  • Misc: Make sure all dates outputs from the Fixed Period Membership add-on are localized correctly


  • Fix: Stripe to correctly validate WooCommerce Billing fields in a Multi-Step Profile Builder form
  • Fix: An issue with the Stripe Credit Card field errors which were showing errors twice in a scenario
  • Fix: An issue with Stripe not validating Billing Fields correctly when the user was logged in
  • Fix: Validate subscription plan eligibility for members on the new subscription form
  • Misc: Updated Stripe PHP bindings
  • Misc: Removed ZIP code from Stripe Credit Card field


  • Feature: Added Free Trial and Sign-up Fees support to the PayPal Standard and Express payment gateways
  • Fix: issue with tax breakdown not showing on the correct step when the Profile Builder Subscription Plans field was added in a Multi-Step Form
  • Fix: issue with sign-up fee not being taken in consideration in some cases in the front-end tax breakdown
  • Fix: clear scheduled payment retrying when a user manually renews his subscription


  • Fix: Prompt users when they try to close the page while a Stripe payment request is done
  • Fix: An issue with the Group Members back-end link

= 1.0.6 =

  • Fix: added a filter that allows admins to manually edit the Payment Gateway Profile ID: pms_edit_subscription_edit_payment_profile_id
  • Fix: a case where payment might fail with Stripe
  • Fix: issue when inviting multiple users for a Group Subscription
  • Fix: issue with child subscriptions not renewing for Group Subscriptions
  • Fix: an error triggering for EU VAT validation in some cases
  • Misc: improve UI/UX for Group Subscription members list


  • Fix: An issue with PayPal Standard and Express upgrades


  • Fix: Fatal Error triggered when EU Vat was being validated


  • Feature: Added recurring support for Fixed Period Memberships
  • Fix: For PayPal Express recurring subscriptions, if a discount is used for the first payment, properly display the order amount when the user creates the billing agreement on the PayPal website
  • Misc: Set default value of Maximum Uses and Limit Discount Uses Per User to unlimited when a Discount Code is created
  • Misc: Add processing state to PayPal Express Payment Confirmation form so it cannot be submitted multiple times


  • Fix: issue with PayPal Express payment confirmation form not submitting correctly


  • Fix: errors caused by the add-ons removal
  • Fix: remove user from Group Membership action
  • Misc: Don't display new subscription form when doing an [pms-account] while on the [pms-register] form with Multiple Subscriptions Per User activated
  • Misc: improved updates unavailable message prompting users to insert their licence key


  • Initial Release

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